Elliot Abernathy

Alias : Riven, Roil, Rent

Age : Mid-to-late 20s

Birthday : April 22nd

Associated Colors: Red, black, orange, gold

Associated Items: Roses, wine, teeth.

Associated Animals: Eels, snakes, cats.

Rambunctious, foolhardy jackass with too many body horror powers who loves to cause trouble for both fun and for what he percieves as a good cause. His emotions tend to drive his morals. Charismatic if you don't look too hard.

Alias : Staple

Age : Many

Birthday : Many

Associated Colors: Purple, magenta, yellow, black

Associated Items: Cellphones, windows, mirrors

Associated Animals: Cats, kittens

One who is one and who is many. They are the meeting point for every universe and is themselves and everyone else at the same time, in some universe, somewhere. Likes viral videos of cute cats.
Noize Salvo

Alias : ???

Age : Lates 20s

Birthday : November 21

Associated Colors: Yellow, black, red

Associated Items: Cities, lighters, dilapidated housing.

Associated Animals: Wolves, coyotes, dogs, crows.

Grumpy and generally of few words, Noize is a street smart problem solver who can't seem to catch a fucking break. His ability to hear people's true ambitions does not help his social life.

Alias : Star

Age : Early-mid 20s

Birthday : January 2nd

Associated Colors: Night skies, galaxies

Associated Items: Space/stars, specialized tools, urban hell

Associated Animals: Pigeons

A professional streamer with the power of teleportation. He's untiring, optimistic, and contagious about it. A well known innovator of many technologies.

Alias : Scribble, Scrib

Age : Mid to Late 20s

Birthday : March 13th

Associated Colors: Yellow, orange, pink, 90s barf.

Associated Items: Gag/novelty items/food, skateboards, polaroids

Associated Animals: Lizards, gnats

Scibble is a piece of shit with memory altering capabilities. They like bad media and novelty food and terrible t-shirts. Eats things that taste like shit for the memes.

Alias : ???

Age : 40s to 50s

Birthday : June 29th

Associated Colors: Dark red, pink, blue

Associated Items: Files/paperwork, knitting supplies, cutesy trinkets

Associated Animals: larks. storks. swans

Lark is a sweetheart with plenty of empathy and patience. He works in the unofficial human(?) resources of his husband's organization and has the ability to swap accumulated skills as if they were trading cards. Arranges one hell of an office party.

The Demon

Alias : The Demon, Four/4

Age : ??????

Birthday : Same as Thyme's, Celebrated 6 Months Apart

Associated Colors: Muddy pink, dusty red, yellow orange

Associated Items: Marbles, jigsaw puzzles, gates/arches

Associated Animals: Steer, bats

A gate demon summoned with the intention to finally combine two worlds into one. But someone screwed up somewhere and it ended up parasiting some complete rando. Now rather than ending the world it just lays around playing sudoku and complaining.

Alias : The Ink Witch

Age : ????

Birthday : August 16th (Human Calender)

Associated Colors: Inky black, inky/oily iridescence

Associated Items: Pens/quills, ink wells, staff liner

Associated Animals: Grackles

A pure 3rd generation witch and weirdly proud of the fact. Judgmental, distant, touchy, and unyielding. Does not take kindly to humans or those associated with humans. Bigoted asshole.


Alias : God of Scrutiny, God of Relations/Parenting

Age : ??????

Birthday : ??????? ?

Associated Colors: Wine red, black, white

Associated Items: Wine, cigars, formal clothing

Associated Animals: Goats

One of the Big Four and arguably the closest to humanity out of them. He is outwardly put together and knows when to speak to keep up the illusion, but under that is a wriggling worm of anxiety and a barely kept temper.

Alias : God of Unity, God of Records

Age : ????

Birthday : ??????

Associated Colors: Bone white, dusty grey, black

Associated Items: Skeletal hands, skulls, draped fabric, scythes

Associated Animals: Carpet beetles

One of the Big Four. Shepherd of The Flow. Deals with the bulk work that comes with recording humanity and reading its trails to piece together information. Distant and quiet, they tend to keep their opinions to themselves.

Alias : God of the Arbitrary, God of Curating

Age : ??????

Birthday : ??????? ?

Associated Colors: White, silver, gold, blue

Associated Items: Feathers, objects kept in glass, flowers

Associated Animals: Doves, geese, swans

One of the Big Four. Per is the one is charge of keeping the best of the realm and of humanity. He has always been a spoiled, dramatic prick and has turned their realm project into a beauty competition. The worst groupwork partner.

Alias : God of the Inevitable, God of Unending Cycles

Age : ????

Birthday : ???? ??

Associated Colors: Rotting browns and oranges, green

Associated Items: Woods and forests, swamps, compost piles, decaying animals

Associated Animals: Vultures, maggots, woodsland scavengers

One of the Big Four. A god with very a very passive job. She just needs to make sure her tree keeps converting left over energies into new put together little souls. She's lackadaisical about any responsibility, or everything really, and spends a lot of her time mudbathing.

Alias : God of the Left Behind, Little God

Age : ???? ?? ?

Birthday : ???? ??

Associated Colors: Black, red, wolf pelt colors

Associated Items: Bird skulls and feet, feathers, blood

Associated Animals: Corvids and wolves

An accidental Child of Impulet, birthed from the leftover dredges of one of their creations. Raised by the wilderness and random kindness of others. Not very social with actual people and comes across as aloof and grumpy. Best friends are crows and the transcendent spirits in the form of wolves he drags out of snags of The Flow.

Alias : Living Nexus (of the God Per)

Age : ????

Birthday : May 27th

Associated Colors: White, pink, yellow, gold

Associated Items: Baked goods, potions, silk robes

Associated Animals: Pigs, doves, mice

Born of another world that got blown up by its deity, Bat is reincarnated but well aware of gods' bullshit. Yet he is Per's favorite and well blessed through him. Strange and intense and poorly socialized. Used to his needs being immediately tended to. Bakes and brews. Has a pig that is actually many pigs put into one pig.

Alias : God of Tenacity

Age : ???

Birthday : ?? ? ?

Associated Colors: Black, silver, white

Associated Items: Necklace chains, crochet hooks, grapes

Associated Animals: Nyalas, alpacas

A Child of Bolduct which is actually just a fragmented part of himself. Boisterous, friendly, and optimistic. Has never known an actually difficult day in his life. Likes traveling, new foods, and crochet.

Alias : God of Accuracy

Age : ?? ???

Birthday : ? ? ? ?

Associated Colors: Black, grey, white

Associated Items: Tailor's tape, pins, magnifying glass

Associated Animals: Bighorn sheep, tailorbird

Child of Bolduct who is also just a fragmented part of him. He has well practiced manners, and he uses them, unless he feels the need to speak his mind about something, which he will do without hesitation. Slow to trust anyone. Very warm and affectionate with his family. Likes studying and designing various fashion.

Undead Bat
Mouse Bat

Alias : Ashley Curtis

Age : Late 20s/Early 30s

Birthday : February 13th

Associated Colors: Red, blue, black

Associated Items: Gas masks, machetes, hammers, bandages

Associated Animals: Cattle, dogs

DeadMaze inspired/based. A farmer from a farmer family thrusted into the zombie apocalypse and turned undead. Unnervingly quiet most of the time and very argumentative the rest of it. He's always been handy and thrifty with a variety of things due to his rural upkeeping, which has become useful for surviving.

Alias : Bat, Batto, Butto

Age : ???? ? ?

Birthday : January 4th (creation day)

Associated Colors: Gold, black, white

Associated Items: Gold jewelry, fluffy things

Associated Animals: Mice, rats, chinchillas

Transformice Inspired. Loud idiot mouse. Loves luxury. Hates everything else.
Louis Hartford

Alias : Hartford

Age : 40s

Birthday : February 14th

Associated Colors: Lab coat white, greys

Associated Items: Mushrooms, lab equipment

Associated Animals: Rats

Mycology scientist with pefect memory recall and considerable moral fortitude. Refuses to half ass anything. Socially inept and often rude without entirely meaning to be. Accidentally made an immortal rat.

Alias : Possum

Age : O

Birthday : ???¿

Associated Colors: Possum Colors

Associated Items: Fallen fruit

Associated Animals: Opossums

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